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November 12th, 2006: Celebration of Father's Day in Fitjar together with Kristian's family.
November 8th, 2006: David raises himself on his two feets for the first time, holding the shoe-rack!
October 24th, 2006: Bhai tika at Didi's place.
October 21st, 2006: Celebration of Tihar at Sita's place.
October 18th, 2006: Sushil held a presentation of Nepal at a high school nearby in the occasion of OD-Dagen (Operation Daywork), that this year collects money for no arms-schools in Nepal.
October 13th, 2006: Adam 4 years!
October 11th, 2006: Farewell party for our dear friends Kris and Mario, who are moving to Brasil
October 8th, 2006: Visit of Bodil and Jarle, and went for party to Bimala in the evening.
October 7th, 2006: Celebration of David's pasani (rice feeding) and Sushil's birthday.
October 5th, 2006: Sushil 29 years old!
October 1st, 2006: Celebration of Dashain in Sandnes with family and friends.
September 29th, 2006: David sits in a chair for the first time to get feeded.
September 26th, 2006: David 6 months!
September, 11-20th, 2006: Lene and David were in Bergen and Fitjar while Sushil was working in Kristiansand and Skien.
September 11th, 2006: Didi, 31 year!
September 5th, 2006: David starts crawling for the first time!
September 2nd, 2006: Aryan 1 year, Jon Kaare 61 celebration in Sola. Peder and Laila got their small son, 6 weeks before the date!
August 25th, 2006: Celebration of Teej at our place
August 13th, 2006: David was baptised in church.